Treat your cavities now to prevent a root canal in the future

Tooth Decay (Dental Decay)

What is Tooth Decay (Dental Decay)?

Tooth Decay (Cavities) are small/big holes formed inside the tooth surfaces (a bacteria-induced infection). Dental cavities are caused by food debris that has accumulated on the tooth’s surface, which creates acid that gradually erodes the tooth and causes extreme pain and discomfort. They’re especially common in children, teenagers and older adults.

What are the symptoms of cavities?

Symptoms depend on the extent and the location of the cavity. In the early stages of cavity development, you may not have any signs and symptoms. However, with time, you may notice the following:

  • Holes or pits in your teeth.
  • Brown, white or black staining.
  • Overall tooth sensitivity.
  • Spontaneous tooth pain.
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something that is hot, cold or sweet.
  • Pain when biting.

What causes Dental Decay?

Decay happens when sugars (glucose/fructose) in food and drinks react with the bacteria in plaque, forming acids. Every time you eat or drink anything containing sugars, these acids attack the teeth and start to soften and dissolve the enamel. The attacks can last for an hour after eating or drinking, before the natural salts in your saliva cause the enamel to re-mineralise and harden again. It’s not just sugars that are harmful: other types of carbohydrate foods and drinks react with plaque and form acids. (These are the ‘fermentable’ carbohydrates: for example ‘hidden sugars’ in processed food, natural sugars like those in fruit and cooked starches).

Having sugary or acidic snacks and drinks between meals can increase the risk of decay, because your teeth come under constant attack and do not have time to recover. It is therefore important not to keep having sugary snacks or sipping sugary drinks throughout the day.

What is the treatment for cavities?

Treating cavities is quick and easy at early stage. Dentist will carefully remove the decayed tooth tissue, and then restore the tooth with a dental filling (cavity filling) by using composite filling material. This is typically a very quick procedure and goes a long way for eliminating decay. For tooth decay that has progressed to expose the root or cause an abscess, a root canal treatment (RCT) may be needed.

The longer you leave the tooth decay, the higher the chance for bacteria to spread and infect the nerve, which may lead to more pain or even swelling.

What will happen if I delay the treatment for cavity?

Toothache is a sign that you should visit your dental team straight away, as it is a warning that something is wrong. If you don’t do anything, this will usually make matters worse and you may have to go for more invasive procedures like root canal treatment and also you could lose a tooth that could otherwise have been saved.

Tooth decay is a preventable disease; with good oral hygiene and professional care. If you are having the problems of tooth decay or pits in your teeth and planning to consider dental filling or teeth bonding, contact us or book an appointment at Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore.

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