Time to regain confidence with a full smile

Dental Implants

Unable to smile or speak with confidence because of missing teeth?
Are you tired of having food stuck under your denture?
Missing teeth can be embarrassing, causing people to hide their smile and lose their self-esteem. The space that missing teeth create can easily become infected with bacteria, causing other teeth to shift out of place, and making it difficult for people to speak or eat correctly.
With dental implants, you have a permanent solution to restore appearance, function and speech, as well as eliminate all the discomforts associated with wearing dentures.

What is a Dental Implant?

If you A dental implant is a replacement for missing teeth and is used to support and maintain the shape of jaw bone. The dental implant is fixed inside jaw bone to give you a permanent solution that mimics a natural tooth. They are made of titanium and placed in the bone to replace the root of a missing tooth. An implant-supported restoration looks, feels and functions virtually like a real tooth, improving your quality of life and allowing you to enjoy food better.

When you should consider Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are considered

  • To replace one or more missing teeth.
  • Multiple missing teeth in upper and lower jaws.
  • When dentures (full or Partial) are loose or uncomfortable.
  • To provide support and stability for your denture.
  • To enhance chewing efficiency.
  • To increase confidence while smiling, talking and eating.
  • To improve overall psychological health.
  • To improve aesthetic appearance and regain overall confidence.
  • Eliminate the numerous embarrassing inconveniences of removable dentures.

Dental Implants are best option for teeth replacement. They offer scientifically proven benefits like:

What are the benefits of Dental Implants?

  • Preserve natural Teeth– no need to involve or prepare adjacent teeth for bridge work.
  • Preserve the jaw bone – Implants prevent shrinkage or bone loss that can happen when there is tooth loss.
  • Restore appearance, self-confidence, self-esteem and overall physical wellbeing.
  • Improved chewing – everyday foods can now be properly chewed and enjoyed again.
  • Recovered Speech– often times with missing teeth speech has been affected with lisps and slurring.
  • Comfortable way to anchor removable denture or bridge.
  • Highly reliable with a good long-term success rate.

What types of Dental implant restorations are there?

There are many types implant systems available in the market.

Implant-Supported Crown

If you have a missing or failing tooth, a single dental tooth implant replacement has great benefits over the alternative options of a bridge or denture. Clinical advances have allowed our clinicians to create implant-supported crowns that mimic nature and are almost indistinguishable from a natural tooth.

Implant-Supported Bridge

If you are missing more than one tooth in a row, the gap can be replaced with individual implants or by joining a few implants together to hold a bridge.

Implant Supported Hybrid Bridge

If you are missing all your teeth in a jaw and thinking of a fixed solution where you no longer have to clean, the implant supported hybrid denture is and excellent option.

 It will give you the confidence to speak without the fear of your denture dropping out and allow you to enjoy all your favorite food again.

The pink portion of the hybrid denture replaces your lost gum and bone, reducing the need for bone graft and yet supporting your face at the same time to reduce wrinkles and droopy lips.

Implant Retained Denture (Denture Implants)

If you are missing all your teeth in a jaw, and are losing confidence socially due to an unstable denture, this is a cost-effective option of replacing all your teeth. The denture is held firmly in place with a minimum of 2 of 4 implants. The feeling is as if your denture is fixed on to mouth. There is no more need for dental glue or having food trapped under the denture anymore.
These restorations restore or reconstruct our dentition to allow normal chewing function. They are used to reinstate aesthetics and appearance, as well as speech, giving back the confidence to enjoy an active social life.
They can also improve the taste of food. With less plastic covering the roof of your mouth, you can enjoy natural flavors and sensations again

Are you suitable for Dental Implants?

If you are healthy enough to have a tooth taken out, you are likely healthy enough to have a dental implant placed.

Feasibility of depends on the condition of the bone in your jaw. Your dentist will advise few tests and X – rays to find out the amount of bone still there.

If there is not enough, or if it isn’t healthy enough, it may not be possible to place implants without grafting bone into the area first.

What are the factors that prevent me from being an Implant candidate?

Active infections in the mouth including gum disease have to be treated before implants can be inserted.

  • Diseases affecting the immune system reducing immunity.
  • If patient is taking certain medication or drugs that affect the immune system.
  • Uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Finally smoking is a risk factor for long-term success of dental implants.

Not everyone is a candidate for a dental implant, however. For a successful implant to take hold, a candidate must have proper bone density and have a strong immune system. In all cases, dental implants require strict oral hygiene. If you are considering dental implants for your missing teeth problem, visit us or book and appointment at Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore. We are here to answer any questions you might have!

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FAQ's on Dental Implants

Getting dental implants begins as every dental procedure does: with a visit to your general dentist. He or she is in the best position to consider your request, examine your current condition and your past records, and then help you make an informed decision.
You can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all your teeth with implants. You don’t even need one implant for every missing tooth. As few as two Implants can support a removable lower denture, while as few as four implants can provide a full, permanent set of top or bottom teeth.
They require exactly the same care as natural teeth: daily brushing and flossing, along with regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings. Although implant teeth will never decay, the gum tissues around them can become inflamed or infected in the absence of good oral hygiene. Properly cared-for dental implants should last for many years.
There’s a good chance that you are, but this can only be determined after a complete oral examination that includes x-rays of your jaws. Please schedule a consultation with your dentist to begin the process of restoring your smile and bite.
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