Get relief from a hurting wisdom tooth

Our goal is to help you keep your teeth stronger for as long as possible, ideally a lifetime. But sometimes a tooth can be too badly damaged to repair and it needs to be extracted. This is done to protect the rest of your teeth and your oral health.

Having a tooth extracted is actually a fairly straightforward treatment and we’ll give you a local anesthetic to completely numb the area before removal of the tooth.

Rest assured that we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure you feel relaxed and confident about the procedure and the results.

When do I need Tooth Removal ?

Tooth decay – Sometimes tooth decay or tooth cavity can reach the centre of your tooth, leading to infection. When this can’t be treated through antibiotics or root canal treatment, the only option is to remove the tooth.

Gum disease – If your gums become infected and can no longer support your teeth they will most likely need to be removed.

Trauma or Disease – In both of these situations, there are several ways to try and save the tooth. The damaged tooth might need a full-coverage crown, a root canal treatment, or both. But sometimes even these methods are not enough to keep the tooth functioning well and looking good; it might be better to remove the tooth and replace it with a strong and lifelike dental implant.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth – If an impacted wisdom tooth is in a bad position, it’s best to remove it before its roots are fully formed. This can prevent damage to neighbouring healthy teeth, bone, and gum tissue.

Braces (Orthodontic) Treatment – Teeth are sometimes extracted when there are too many of them for the size of the dental arches (jaws), a situation known as crowding. After an adequate amount of space is opened up through the extraction of one or more teeth, the remaining teeth can be aligned properly.

Baby Teeth – If a baby tooth is out of position or not lost in the right sequence, the permanent tooth underneath it might not erupt normally. In this case, removing the baby tooth could prevent a need for orthodontic treatment later on.

If you’re looking for dentist in Mysore to have a tooth removal done, book an appointment with us and consult our specialists at Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore.

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FAQ's on Tooth Removal

Removal of wisdom teeth is commonly done under local anaesthesia. With proper technique, the area is completely numb. During the procedure patient will not have much pain but depending on the extent of tooth damage they may have some discomfort. As with any surgery, the recovery involves some pain and swelling. However, with modern medications, this process can be made much more manageable.
The spectrum ranges from someone up and about almost immediately, to someone staying in bed for days. Most patients are able to resume their normal daily activities in two to three days after the procedure.
While it is alright to want to get back into the routine, rest is always recommended. You should avoid sports and strenuous activities.
Dentistry has come a long way. The best way to avoid dental pain is to ensure you maintain good oral hygiene and have regular check-ups, but sometimes more invasive treatment can be necessary.
Your actual recovery time depends on factors like: Your response to surgery, age the extent of surgery (depends on the depth and orientation of the wisdom tooth)
An average it may need around 7-10 days’ time to recover after Wisdom Teeth Removal. You should avoid any strenuous activity and follow the medication prescription schedule closely. Also, do your best to keep the site clean. Otherwise, poor hygiene, as well as using alcohol and tobacco, can slow down healing.
Removal of wisdom teeth is a common and routine procedure. Our dentists will be glad to assess and discuss any concerns you have. Medisave can be used for wisdom tooth removal surgeries, subject to eligibility criteria.
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