Restore and improve your smile with dental crowns

Dental Crown (Dental Cap)

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental Crowns are also known as “Tooth Caps”. They fit over the existing tooth, covering everything you see above the gum. Crown also make the tooth strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth.

Why would I need Dental Crown?

Dental caps are needed for many reasons, including:

  • Restoring a chipped, cracked, broken or worn-down tooth.
  • Protecting a weak tooth, such as a tooth with a root canal.
  • Holding a bridge or denture firmly in place.
  • Fractured filling.
  • Concealing a large filling.
  • Restoration over a dental implant.
  • Cosmetic dental purposes, like covering malformed or discoloured teeth.

What are the types of Dental Crowns?

A dental crown or permanent tooth cap can be made of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or full-ceramic (porcelain), suiting anyone’s needs and budget.

Metal Crowns 

They tend to last the longest, rarely chipping or breaking, and cause minimum wear to the opposing teeth. Because of their colour, these crowns are used for molars or posterior teeth.

Metal Ceramic Crowns 

They can be colour-matched to the natural tooth. These crowns have a metal base that can be completely or partially covered by porcelain, depending on the patient’s occlusion, tooth height and function

All Ceramic Crowns  

(Metal Free Crowns) provide the best natural colour-match and translucency. They are most often used for front teeth. All ceramic crowns are available in Lithium Disillicate (E MAX) or Zirconia (LAVA, BRUXIR etc.).

What is the process of getting a Dental Crown?

A typical dental crown requires at least 2 visits.

First Visit: The dentist will prepare the tooth to the ideal shape for the crown. This involves removing a layer of the outer surface, leaving a strong inner core. The amount of the tooth removed will be the same as the thickness of the crown.

The tooth preparation allows for adequate room for the new crown.
The prepared tooth will be protected with a temporary crown in between visits.

Once the tooth is shaped, the dentist will take an impression (mould) of the prepared tooth and teeth of the opposite jaw.

Second Visit: The crown will be ready to fix onto the shaped tooth during second visit. The crown is cemented or fixed once the dentist checks for proper fitting and function.

If you are looking for dentist in Mysore for your dental issues like missing teeth, discoloured tooth etc. dental crowns (caps) or bridges or dental implants could be the right options for you. The Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore uses all-ceramic (Metal free) dental restorations that are strong and aesthetically-pleasing. You can contact us or book an appointment with us.

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