Dental Check-Up
Dental health checks-ups are one of the best and easiest ways to maintain the highest standard of dental health. Unfortunately, many people visit the dentist only when they have a toothache or dental emergency. With regular check-up not only can dentist make sure that your oral hygiene is exemplary, they can also spot potential issues like tooth cavity or tooth pain early and treat them before they become a problem.
Why regular dental visits are important?
“Regular maintenance avoids the major breakdown”
Many oral health issues including gum disease (gingivitis, bleeding gums), tooth cavities and even oral cancer, don’t cause any pain until they have reached an advanced stage. Regular dental visits help dentist in finding these issues at the early stage. Detecting and treating dental problems at an early stage may save your time, money, unnecessary discomfort, your teeth and even your life!
Visiting a dentist every 6 months for a check-up and clean helps you in preventing tooth decay, gum infections, cracks in the teeth, and tooth loss.
The standard recommendation is to visit twice a year for dentist check-ups and at least a minimum of twice a year for dental cleanings. Patients with crowns, implants, and gum disease, a predisposition for plaque build-up or cavities, or a weakened immune system might need to visit the dentist more frequently for optimal care.
Benefits of regular dental visits
Cavity Prevention – Typically, cavities or tooth decay manifests as soft spots in the actual tooth structure. When dentist sees a patient twice a year, he will be able to identify the key while it is still relatively small. In fact, it is possible for us to identify it prior to a patient ever experiencing a toothache. Also, removal of the decayed portion of the tooth at early stage, reduces the likelihood of a dental infection and a more significant procedure like root canal treatment, being necessary.
Gum Disease Prevention – At these appointments, if we notice that gums are inflamed or swollen, we may also recommend that a patient has a cleaning. Teeth cleaning is necessary for removing plaque and tartar from the area of the tooth that is not visible, thereby it helps in preventing any type of gum disease like gingivitis, periodontitis, pyorrhoea (bad breath) etc.
Saves patient”s money – In regular dental exams a dentist can often see underlying problems that are not seen or felt by the patient. Catching these issues before they become major problems can save your money and possibly pain. Prevention is almost always going to be less expensive than repair when it comes to most things in life. Generally, the earlier a problem is found, the more easily manageable it is. Untreated problems often require complex dental procedures that can put a dent in your wallet.
Oral Cancer Screenings – Patients diagnosed in the early stages of oral cancer have an 80% – 90% survival rate according to The Oral Cancer Foundation. Unfortunately, approximately two thirds are currently found in advanced stages. With regular dental exams you are more likely to detect the oral cancer in the beginning stages and possibly save your life.
Regular dental examinations are important to detect early signs of dental decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and to discuss any concerns that you have regarding your smile. If you are considering to get the regular dental check-up done, you can contact us or book an appointment at Life Care Dental Clinic, Mysore.
Keep your mouth healthy and happy with regular dental check up
FAQ's on Dental check Up
Dental studies have revealed that there is an association between oral infections such as gum infections and poorly controlled diabetes, cardiovascular disease and preterm labour and birth.
Your mouth is essentially a window into the health of the rest of your body. It can be a helpful vantage point in distinguishing the early signs of many systemic disease
Through the use of modern day anaesthetics, dental treatment is rarely uncomfortable while you are attending. Some procedures may take a little time to heal, but your dentist will be able to recommend or prescribe medication to manage any post treatment discomfort.