Natural looking fillings for your teeth

Dental bonding (Teeth Bonding)

A chipped, gaped or crooked, tooth is enough to make anyone self-conscious about their appearance. At Life Care Dental Clinic, Mysore we specialize in cosmetic dental bonding, a relatively simple procedure that will give you back your smile and your confidence in just one pain-free visit. 

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental Bonding is the application of a tooth-coloured composite resin (White Fillings) to repair specific imperfections that you want to fix. Teeth bonding is a part of cosmetic dentistry procedure in which we apply composite material over the defective/broken teeth surfaces using different techniques. We then use a special light to harden the material so that it bonds to your tooth. It is used to change the shape and size of your teeth, giving you a uniform smile that looks natural.

What are the benefits of Dental Bonding?

  • Composite fillings are tooth coloured and they can be closely matched to the colour of existing teeth, and are more aesthetically suited to use in front teeth or more visible areas of the mouth.
  • These fillings are strong and durable.

Composite fillings have become increasingly popular over the last decade – providing an inconspicuous alternative to silver-coloured amalgam fillings. It blends in seamlessly with your tooth. Even up close, it should be difficult to spot a filling.

Reasons for Composite Bonding:

  • Chipped or broken teeth.
  • Closing space between two teeth.
  • Cracked teeth.
  • Decayed teeth / cavities
  • Worn out / attrided teeth.
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Receding gums

Why should I consider Composite Fillings?

Many people are more conscious about the way they look while smiling, so they don’t want silver or any other fillings that show when they laugh or smile. Composite fillings are made to look exactly similar to the colour / shade of your teeth. Hence, they are used where a natural appearance of tooth is desired.

How are Composite fillings placed?

Composite fillings are usually placed in one appointment. Your dentist will remove decay as needed. The space will then be thoroughly cleaned and carefully prepared before the new filling is placed. The composite filling will then be precisely placed, shaped, and polished, restoring your tooth to its original shape and function.
You will be given instructions at the end of your treatment about maintenance of these fillings. Good oral hygiene practices, eating habits, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new fillings.

We at Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore help in restoring your tooth to a natural look and feel, making them stronger and protected! If you are looking for a dentist in Mysore for your dental issues like; broken tooth, spacing between teeth or discoloured teeth, tooth cavities, broken tooth, tooth sensitivity etc. you can contact us or book an appointment with Life Care Dental Clinic, Mysore.

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FAQ's on Teeth Bonding

• It is normal to experience sensitivity to hot and cold when composite fillings are first placed, however this will subside after few days
• Bonded teeth should be brushed and flossed daily, and professionally cleaned at the dental clinic once in 6 months, just the same as the rest of your teeth.
• Composite resin can absorb stain, just as natural teeth can. Therefore, you should avoid frequent smoking, excessive intake of coffee and tea to the extent possible.
• Finally, try not to bite your nails, hold writing implements in your mouth, or use your teeth in other ways that could put excessive force on the bonding material and chip it.
• With proper care, a composite fillings are durable and will last many years, giving you a long-lasting, beautiful smile.
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