Get relief from a hurting wisdom tooth

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars are last teeth to appear, right at the back of the mouth. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 21, although sometimes they appear many years later. While some people will never have an issue with them, others will need to have them removed.

What is an Impacted Wisdom tooth?

If there is not enough space, the wisdom tooth may try to come through the gums, but they might get stuck against the tooth in front of it. They might also be partially buried under our gums (Impacted wisdom teeth), which can lead to persistent food trap and gum infections. The wisdom tooth will be buried inside the jaw bone at an angle and will be described by the dentist as ‘impacted’.

How does a Wisdom tooth become impacted?

When these molars erupt, there may not be enough room for them. As a result, wisdom teeth are usually not well-aligned, and they vary from being horizontal to being angled inwards or outwards. They might also be partially buried under our gums (Impacted wisdom teeth), which can lead to persistent food trap and gum infections.


Do Wisdom teeth always cause problems?


No. If there is enough space they will usually come through into a useful position and cause no more problems than any other tooth. Often there will be some slight discomfort as they try to come through the gums but this will disappear once the tooth is fully in erupted to its position in the jaw.

What are the main reasons for taking Wisdom teeth out?

Wisdom teeth sometimes erupt in your jaw in a way that may cause discomfort or problems for other parts of your mouth. The main reasons for wisdom tooth extraction are:

  • When it is clear that wisdom teeth will not be able to come through into a useful position because there is not enough space. They will cause some pain, swelling or discomfort because of infection.
  • If wisdom teeth have only partly come through and are decayed – these teeth will often decay as it will be difficult to clean them as thoroughly as your other teeth.
  • When wisdom teeth cause damage to neighboring teeth.
  • In case of Cysts and Tumours associated with wisdom tooth.

If the wisdom tooth is not causing any of these problems, your dentist will not advise removal.

Are Wisdom teeth difficult to take out?


Removal of wisdom teeth depends on the position and the shape of the roots. Your dentist will tell you how easy or difficult each tooth will be to remove after looking at the radiographs. Always a certified oral surgeon will be operating such complicated removal and will be handling it with utmost care.

What should I expect after a Wisdom tooth is taken out?

There will be some swelling and discomfort for few days after wisdom teeth removal. The amount of discomfort will depend on how easy it was to remove the tooth. Recovery from wisdom teeth extractions can take from a few days up to a couple of weeks. It is important to follow the post extraction instructions given by the dentist.

If you’re looking for dentist in Mysore for wisdom tooth extraction, book an appointment with our specialists at Life Care Dental Clinic Mysore.

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FAQ's on Wisdom tooth removal

Removal of wisdom teeth is commonly done under local anaesthesia. With proper technique, the area is completely numb. During the procedure patient will not have much pain but depending on the extent of tooth damage they may have some discomfort. As with any surgery, the recovery involves some pain and swelling. However, with modern medications, this process can be made much more manageable.
The spectrum ranges from someone up and about almost immediately, to someone staying in bed for days. Most patients are able to resume their normal daily activities in two to three days after the procedure.
While it is alright to want to get back into the routine, rest is always recommended. You should avoid sports and strenuous activities.
Dentistry has come a long way. The best way to avoid dental pain is to ensure you maintain good oral hygiene and have regular check-ups, but sometimes more invasive treatment can be necessary.
Your actual recovery time depends on factors like: Your response to surgery, age the extent of surgery (depends on the depth and orientation of the wisdom tooth)
An average it may need around 7-10 days’ time to recover after Wisdom Teeth Removal. You should avoid any strenuous activity and follow the medication prescription schedule closely. Also, do your best to keep the site clean. Otherwise, poor hygiene, as well as using alcohol and tobacco, can slow down healing.
Removal of wisdom teeth is a common and routine procedure. Our dentists will be glad to assess and discuss any concerns you have. Medisave can be used for wisdom tooth removal surgeries, subject to eligibility criteria.
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