Wisdom Teeth : What you need to know?

Wisdom teeth: what you need to know
We all know that for most people, wisdom teeth need to be removed in order to prevent serious dental problems! But have you ever wondered, what exactly is a wisdom tooth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically grow between the age of 17 – 21 yrs.

When to visit dentist?
If you are suffering from red, inflamed gum near the wisdom tooth, moderate to severe tooth pain, swelling, difficulty in opening the mouth and swallowing, fever, bad breath, It is important to consult dentist immediately.

When to remove the wisdom teeth?
Impaction: If there is not enough room in your mouth, your wisdom teeth will become impacted and grow at an angle. This can cause problems such as pain and discomfort while eating. Impacted wisdom teeth can form cysts around them and do significant damage to nearby teeth and bone.
Damage to other teeth: Your impacted tooth can begin pushing against your second molars, causing potential tooth decay, crowding, and pain.
Gum Disease: Spaces between the impacted tooth and your molars allows room for bacteria to grow, putting you at risk for inflammation, cysts, and periodontal (gum) disease.

When are wisdom teeth okay to keep?
If there is enough room for them to erupt correctly without causing any damage and you are able to clean them properly then they are safe to keep.

If you have any concerns about your wisdom teeth or have felt changes in your mouth that may be related to wisdom teeth, please talk to your dentist.

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